Friday, December 6, 2024

The Carriage Master

 Book Cover

The Carriage Master

Alex Wagner is a 30-year-old nobody who moves to the town of Hampton to launch his new life pursuing a degree at a second-rate art college. After his shift ends at the rundown bowling alley where he works part time, he stumbles into an encounter with a masked vigilante who spends his days working “undercover” as a homeless person.

Under normal circumstances, the vigilante would dispose of someone who witnessed his night time activities, but he learns that Alex is a talented sketch artist, so he gives Alex an ultimatum: follow him around to record his exploits in a graphic novel memoir, or “I’ll kill you and plant weird stuff from the dark web on your hard drive so everyone will think you were a freak.”

Using his network of “field assets” comprised of a homeless prophet, meth addicts, and a schizophrenic; this mysterious ex-intelligence operative—who Alex comes to know as “Randy”—unearths the seedy underworld of Hampton with a style of vigilantism that is more Dexter than Batman. As Alex discovers during his time with Randy, nothing in the city of Hampton is quite what it seems to be—especially Randy.

RAVE REVIEWS And Praise for The Carriage Master

“I heard you wrote a book. That’s badass.”
-My friend Ryan

“Sounds great.”
-My friend Tony

“Lol. I’ll call you tomorrow.”
-My friend Adam

“What is it about?...Huh. Well, isn’t that something.”
-My Dad

“Dear Jake,
I'm sorry, but your project does not sound like a fit for me at this time, so I will have to pass. Thank you for considering me and best of luck with your future queries.”
-A ton of literary agents

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