Monday, August 29, 2022

The Indigo Code: Journey of Indigo Starseed to Earth

The Indigo Code:

Journey of Indigo Starseed to Earth

Have you felt before that you are an alien to this life on planet earth?
Have you felt that the current system is hurting you rather than helping you?
Have you heard of the Indigo or Crystal children that came to this planet & who are they? Do you feel, now, that you are meant to be so much more than you were taught?

Did you say “YES”?

Welcome to the Indigo Code, the 1st book of the “Highway to Ascension” series in which we will get an introduction to the laws of the universe and life here on Gaia, and beyond.
This coursebook will take you on a road trip from the time before you were born. The first years on planet earth, knowing yourself as an Indigo, and the challenges you are going through, until the steps needed to be free from the enslavement of the Matrix.

There are 40 characteristics that can diagnose if you are an Indigo / Crystal soul, and after you’ll complete the special diagnostic system, you’ll know whether you are one of us or not. You came here for an apparent purpose, but life here on Gaia hasn’t been a rose garden. you might feel stuck, alienated, or even outcast from the mainstream system. Here is when I come to assist you in your path to remember who you are, what you are, how you can own your life here using both spiritual-psychic faculties and your physical-mental faculties until you reach your path.

I have created this enterprise with the purpose to be a lighthouse for Indigo’s like me using a multidimensional approach based on EpiConsciousnessTM Strategies I have developed. Here we are touching every major aspect of human life for the first time in these crucial times of energy shifts in our galaxy. I use ancient wisdom that surpassed what we know today.

You will learn in this Course book

  • The law of vibration, Attraction, One in a nutshell

  • The role of resistance and dark side in your experience, and how to own it

  • Quantum Science & Neuroscience in a nutshell that supports the laws of the universe

  • 21.12.2020 and 2030 – What is going on?

  • The power of natural, organic whole food on your whole life (it will make you rich)

  • Mind your breathing – breath right, have fun with cold showers and mediations

  • Train scientifically in a way that suits your condition best

  • Developing out-of-the-matrix 24/7 awareness

  • Develop and use your Psychic powers to build your worldwide Enterprise

  • How to spot “Black Roses” – An energy sucking people and block them for good

  • Learn the 5 laws of manifesting money that are aligned with your Vortex

  • How to start building your own business past the grand shift of the ages

  • How to develop an Intuitive writing for every purpose in life (Bonus)

    This is a multidimensional book that is accompanied by a workbook and resource page, so it’s having three approaches: A course Book Level 1 for Starseed, A travel diary, and an awakening call embedded with unique hidden codes that target your subconscious mind. 
    “Awakening is not a choice, it’s a duty

    Click here to get The Indigo Code on Amazon


    Click here to visit The Indigo Code via the Website

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