Sunday, October 18, 2020

An Eagle's Moment


by Jeffrey L. Benthall NEW Release by TBN / Trilogy Publishing

As the world around us changes ...what does the future hold for you, your faith, your family, your finances? Here is a powerful book that will help you find the answer to these questions and more.... Become spiritually renewed .... experience God's life-changing promises for these hard times, hope for the weary... overcome every difficult circumstance ... prosper, even during the storm!

Jeffrey L. Benthall is the founder and senior pastor of Damascus Road Worship Center, Inc. (Jeff Benthall Ministries), located in northeastern North Carolina. He holds an MAR, MRE, and M.Div., as well as a doctorate of ministry from Liberty Theological Seminary. He was the winner of the Liberty University Distinguished Alumni Award (For Outstanding Work in the Community / McFarland Award) in 2011. A local TV Host (A Better Tomorrow Today) and songwriter and producer (CD - "Our High Priest") Damascus, and Damascus College an online Bible college. 

Click here to buy it on AMAZON:

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