Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Leukemia I'm Fine: Infographic | Question Lists | Diary

Leukemia I'm Fine: 

Infographic | Question Lists | Diary

The Infographic Guide to Leukemia: A Visual Reference for Everything You Need to Know 

Why Infographics??? 

Infographics are intended to translate complex health-care information into simplified graphical snapshots that will leave you with a better understanding of how a disease can occur, be treated, and possibly even prevented. Infographics are powerful digital tools that enable patients to have the required knowledge to understand information on specific diseases. Infographics are the best way to communicate message in a concise and engaging way with audience for maximum impact. This infographic is a great initiative in public health to educate community and increase health awareness through the visualization. 

Highly visual and accessible, infographics are an increasingly popular way to introduce complex information, facts, and figures to readers, helping them to understand complex information about Leukemia. 

In this visual book, you will explore the possible causes and types of leukemia, as well as symptoms, diagnosis, and stages using a wide variety of icons, graphics, and pictograms. A beautiful infographic will help you understand the different symptoms of that horrible disease 

Full of colorful descriptions organized in an easy-to-read format, here’s what makes this book special: 

• First Part: Infographic 
o 10 Pages Visual Overview About Leukemia including Leukemia Types, Signs, Symptoms, Treatment etc. 

• Second Part: Question Lists 
o A Set of Questions for what you should ask your doctor or your health care team about your diagnosis and your treatment. Keep lists of questions for your doctor and record the answers at your next appointment. Your questions help your doctor and health care team learn more about you. Your doctor's answers to your questions can help you make better decisions, receive a higher level of care, avoid medical harm, and feel better about your health care. Your questions can also lead to better opportunity against Leukemia. 

 Third Part: Dairy 
o A short summary diary where you can take note about your treatment record, your blood count tracker and your other note. Keeping a diary has the ability to reduce our anxieties and settle our nerves in potentially stressful Leukemia disease. To keep a diary of your medical records, enables you to develop a sense of control and therefore reduce your anxiety.

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